Ale di Cantare R&B is a professional singer with long experience, both as a performer and recording artist.
Her journey in the world of music began at a very early age, and from an early age she demonstrated musical abilities.

One factor that enhanced Ale's musical experience was the opportunity to develop this gift together with her twin sister, with whom she could share the same musical and vocal skills and visceral passion for music.

He decided to approach the study of classical music and piano, a path he defines as one of love-hate: "boundless love" for the instrument and music, aversion to the study of music theory, which Ale was able to circumvent thanks to an excellent ear.

Ale's vocality presented adult and refined traits, great extension and agility even at a young age, all factors that allowed her to sing the most diverse genres of music, from alternative rock to folk, pop to jazz, and especially the genre that most represents her:R&B.

Ale has often worked as a Recording Artist and songwriter in the field of House Music, even singing in a variety of foreign languages, has performed far and wide in Italian clubs, participating in major events nationwide and in the most popular Jazz-Fusion venues in Madrid, where she lived for a long time.

In 2016 Ale decided to open a YouTube channel, which is currently the most followed voice channel in Italy: CANTARE R&B. What Ale could never have imagined is the multitude of people who testify that they have found support in his videos nor that one day he would gather an extensive and very loyal community of singers and voice lovers in general.

Producing web content for learning has enabled her to learn the art of online communication and teaching. Her lessons always start from the practical and empirical side, are often interactive, put the singer at the center and spur them to listen to their own body and sounds as a starting point, regardless of vocal level. 

The learning paths that Ale proposes are often reversed from classical voice education because they start from the more personal sphere of the singer and get to the technicalities, which are always necessary for voice education but can often give the singer the impression of coldness and consequent rigidity. 

Instead, the voice according to Ale should be regarded as the most expressive medium that human beings are instinctively endowed with from birth and should be explored and loved in order to improve its qualities and not vice versa: "I do not advise you to learn every vocal technique in existence because you like the voice you have better, I advise you instead to explore your voice, to know and love it, to give it your hand and take it where you want it."