Manuele Montesanti began his musical adventure in the now distant 1985, when his parents gave him a toy piano.
He thus began to cultivate a great passion for music, which led him to classical studies at the prestigious Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome. All until he came to his true love: synthesizers.

He then specialized in Jazz/Contemporary Piano, Harmony, Comping, Composition and Arrangement at the UM "University of Music in Rome".

Today his musical activity is divided into that of session man (live&studio) and that of arranger, sound designer and demonstrator both for musical productions (soundtracks, video games, apps, etc.) and for the development and promotion of musical software and hardware with Yamaha Synth, Native Instruments, Novation, Ik Multimedia, Audiothing etc...

In addition, he is a teacher and founder of the portal, as well as the keyboardist and founder of the band "Drift Lab" with Matteo Mancuso, Federico Malaman and Daniele Chiantese.